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Loyola University Chicago Libraries

Open Access: Resources

Understand open access and Loyola's institutional repository.


Thank you to Lisa Macklin and Lean Weiryb Grohsgal at Emory Libraries for compiling information found on this page and allowing us to share it with the Loyola University Chicago community.  Emory Libraries' extensive guide on Open Access may be viewed at:  While most of these links may be credited to the guide at Emory, we have taken the liberty to add a few new links that we wanted to share as part of Loyola's Open Access Week.

Articles About Open Access

Berkman Center at Harvard - Open Access Publications (2012-Present)

Periodicals Price Survey 2008: Embracing Openness: Global initiatives and startling successes hint at the profound implications of open access on journal publishing, Library Journal, 4/15/2008, by Lee C. Van Orsdel and KAthleen Born.

A Quiet Revolt Puts Costly Journals on the Web, Pamela Burdman, New York Times, 6/26/2004.

The Promise and Peril of 'Open Access',  Chronicle of Higher Educaiton, 1/30/2004, by Lila Guterman.

The Case for Open Access, Harvard Crimson, 2/12/2008, by Robert Darnton.

Open Access and Research Impact: A Brief Bibliography

Antelman, K. (2004).  Do Open Access Articles Have a Greater Research Impact?  Coll Res Libr 2004; 65:372-382.  The author looks at articles in mathematics, electrical and electronic engineering, political science, and philosophy, and finds that Open Access articles do seem to have greater research impact.

Davis PM, Lewenstein BV, Simon DH, Booth JG, Connolly MJL.  Open Access Publishing, Article Downloads, and Citations: Randomized Controlled Trial.  BMJ 2008; 337; a568.  In a randomized trial, the authors found that Open Access articles were downloaded more than subscription access articles, but that after one year they were not cited more than subscription access articles.

Eysenbach G.  Citation Advantage of Open Access Articles.  PLoS Biol 2006; 4:e157.  The author, using a one-journal sample, offers evidence that Open Access articles are cited more often than subscription access articles.

Harnad, S. Davis et al.  1-year Study of Self-Selection Bias: No Self-Archiving Control, No OA Effect, No Conclusion.  Open Access Archivangelism blog, July 31, 2008.  A critique of the methodology of the 2008 Davis et al study above.

Lawrence, S.  Free online availability substantially increases a paper's impact.  Nature, 31 May 2001.  One of the first papers presenting data that suggests online publication increases the impact of research.

Norris, M, Oppenheim C, Rowland F.  Open Access Citation Rates and Developing Countries.  12th International Conference on Electronic Publishing, Toronto, June 25-27.  The authors admit that the numbers of citations from authors in developing countries are very small, but they seem to show a higher proportion of citations of Open Access scholarship than citations from developed countries.

Open Access Issues in the Humanities and Social Sciences

Hutcheon, Linda.  What Open Access Could Mean for the Humanities.  Wednesday, 13 September.  Open Access offers the humanities a chance for a potentially transformative rethinking of what constitutes scholarship.

Suber, Peter.  Promoting Open Access in the Humanities.  Originally presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Philological Association in San Francisco, January 3, 2004.  Open Access has been a tough sell in the humanities for multiple reasons, and this is what can be done about it.

Unsworth, John.  The Crisis of Audience.  Delivered as part of the SPARC session "Scholarly Communication in the Humanities: Does Open Access Apply?" at the Annual Meeting of the American Library Association, Orlando, FL, Saturday, June 26, 2004.  Open Access might be one solution to the overall problem of slow book sales in the humanities.

Zell, Hans.  [PDF] The Rise and Rise of Journal Prices in African Studies.  Africana Libraries Newsletter, June/Sept. 2003, p. 7-9.  Prices of journals in African Studies have gone up, making it more important for Africana libraries in the North to support less-expensive African journals.