Loyola University Chicago Libraries

Arrupe College_OLD: Melanin Book Exchange

Melanin Book Exchange Club

Electronic Books for Exchange

Black Studies Databases: eBooks, Videos, etc.

Podcasts by Topic: Race and Racism

NCTE BookList

NCTE Booklist

The following list contains selected works recommended by Black Caucus members. There are many other books by African Americans which we encourage you to read; this is a starter list and not intended to be all inclusive of other excellent works by African Americans. Join in and continue to enrich your lives after February by reading books by African Americans.

Books: African-American Read-In Recommendations

These titles were recommended by Arrupe College Faculty, Staff, and liaison librarian for the annual event.  Some may be repeated on the left of this screen. 

Race and Anti-Racism


Check out the African American Literature Book Club, the AALBC is a widely recognized source of author profiles, book and film reviews, book recommendations, event information, discussion forums, writer resources, interviews, articles, videos, and more.