Articles on business, management, marketing, economics from scholarly journals, magazines, and trade publications. Includes the full-text of the Harvard Business Review. Also includes company profiles, investment, country reports, SWOT analyses, and more. Coverage: 1820 - present.
Emcare is an extensive citation database covering nursing and allied health topics, and expands on nursing content within the Embase database. Coverage 1995-current year.
Global Newsstream
Provides access to current, full-text newspapers including The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, Chicago Tribune, The Boston Globe, Newsday, and Los Angeles Times as well as over 80 Gannett regional and local titles. In addition, Global Newsstream content also includes newswires, news journals, television and radio transcripts, blogs, podcasts, and digital-only websites.
U.S. industry reports including key statistics and ratios, SWOT analysis, industry performance and outlook, competitive landscape, major companies, supply chain influences, market share concentration, key success factors, operating conditions, and trends.
This resource is funded by the generosity of John and Terese Terry (Loyola class of 1959).
Documentaries, independent and classic feature films, educational videos, and award-winning films and shorts. Distributors include PBS, Media Education Foundation, Documentary Education Resources, California Newsreel, Criterion Collection/Janus Films,, and more.
Some titles come with full Public Performance Rights. To enable closed captions or subtitles while watching a film, select the CC icon in the bottom-right corner of the video player. Accounts must be renewed yearly on campus and using a browser, rather than the app.
Distributors part of Kanopy Streaming include Media Education Foundation, Documentary Education Resources, California Newsreel, Criterion Collection/Janus Films,, and many more.
Index with some abstracts and some full-text journal articles, books, series, translations, and dissertations on the study of language, literature, linguistics, rhetoric and composition, folklore, and film. Includes. Coverage: 1900s - present.
Produced by the Modern Language Association (MLA) and includes the MLA Directory of Periodicals and the MLA Thesaurus.
Complete access to the New York Times online edition ( from 1980 through the present. Users must create an account using their LUC email, to gain access to from any web browser or smart phone app, on or off campus, with no monthly limits on article access. This resource is limited to current students, faculty, and staff. Note: HSL students/faculty/staff need to sign up via
For new accounts and renewals click -
Note: HSL students/faculty/staff need to sign up via
Registration or re-registering off campus issues are mostly resolved by clearing the cache/cookies off the device first.
Complete text of the Oxford English Dictionary 2nd ed.
Covers the evolution of the English language over the last millennium and traces the usage of words through 2.5 million quotations from a wide range of sources.
Full-text news articles covering business, economics, and finances. Coverage: 1984 - present. Users must register to access resource. Every 180 days users must refresh (or click through the Libraries’ link again). Please register here: before attempting to access this resource.
Unlimited access to content. First time users need to create an account from Click Sign In, then click Sign Up. Enter your LUC email address and agree to the terms of service. Go to your "Account Settings", click on the "My subscriptions"; tab, and click "Activate free digital access" to get free access to the Post. Email verification will follow.
New / Trial Databases
The following databases are newly acquired or being evaluated for a future subscription.
Book Collection: Nonfiction is a cross-curricular database providing abstracts and searchable full text for thousands of popular nonfiction books. Designed for public libraries, it covers core subject areas as well as information on careers, health, sports, adventure, technology, life skills and more.
Includes access to the website and current news updates. Group subscribers are currently unable to access the publication through the mobile application.
Equip students and faculty with access to thousands of e-books dedicated to the study of business. From conducting business research to helping students understand general business concepts, this collection offers the in-demand titles your library needs.
This groundbreaking collection includes thousands of high-quality e-books assessed by EBSCO Collection Development Librarians on the topic of diversity, equity, and inclusion. Subscribe today and get top titles from more than 230 publishers including Choice Outstanding Academic Titles (OAT) and DRM-free selections.
Covering topics in U.S. and world history from the earliest civilizations through the 21st century, History Reference Source is a research database containing full-text journals, magazines, reference books and thousands of primary source documents. It also includes a companion e-book collection with reference books from top educational publishers and university presses.
Enhance your library’s makerspace with Hobbies & Crafts Source, a database of detailed "how to" instructions and creative do-it-yourself ideas that meet the interests of nearly every hobby enthusiast.
This special combination contains all the content and centers of PrepSTEP for Colleges and Universities and PrepSTEP for Community Colleges, with resources
designed to support success in higher education and preparation for today’s workforce. PrepSTEP Academic provides targeted learning centers that include tutorials, practice tests, articles, e-books and high-stakes test preparation designed to meet the specific needs of 2- and 4-year College and University students.
LGBTQ+ Source is the definitive database for LGBTQ+ studies. It provides scholarly and popular LGBTQ+ publications in full text, plus historically important
primary sources, including monographs, magazines, newspapers and videos. It also includes a specialized LGBTQ+ thesaurus containing thousands of terms.
Library & Information Science Source is the largest full-text database for library and information science studies. It provides hundreds of full-text journals covering all
related subjects, including librarianship, classification, information management and the history of library studies. It also includes full-text monographs, pamphlets and theses, plus a subject-specific thesaurus.
Created especially for people who love books, NoveList is the premier online database for fiction reading recommendations, available through libraries around the world. Helping readers of all ages find just the right book to read, this comprehensive source of popular and professional book information includes expert
recommendations, reviews, articles, lists and more.
Created especially for people who love books, NoveList K-8 is the premier online database for fiction reading recommendations, available through libraries around the world. Helping K-8 readers find just the right book to read, this comprehensive source of popular and professional book information includes expert recommendations, reviews, articles, lists and more.
The OCD24 Flipbook provides clergy and non-clergy members with up-to-date personnel changes, new appointments and assignments, and updated contact information for all 210 (arch) dioceses in the United States and the hundreds of (arch) dioceses around the world.
This resource is limited to one user at a time. Login is required for access.
Containing resources that present multiple sides of an issue, this database provides rich content that can help students assess and develop persuasive arguments and
essays, better understand controversial issues and develop analytical thinking skills.
PolicyMap is a U.S. national data and mapping tool that combines a curated, comprehensive geographic data library with simple, robust mapping and analytics tools. University faculty, researchers, and students use it to create compelling maps of up to five layers, export trend charts with key benchmarks, download data for use in other tools, generate on-the-fly reports, and upload your own data.
Psychology & Behavioral Sciences Collection is an essential full-text database for psychologists, counselors, researchers and students. It provides hundreds of full-text psychology journals, including many indexed in APA PsycInfo. It offers particularly strong coverage in child and adolescent psychology and counseling.
Religion & Philosophy Collection is an essential full-text database for theology and philosophy research. It includes hundreds of full-text journals and magazines
covering many religious and philosophical topics, including world religions, religious history, political philosophy and philosophy of language.
Designed to meet every student's science research needs, Science Reference Center: Main Edition is a valuable source for a multitude of full-text, science-oriented content.