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Military Veteran Students Services Library Research Guide

Why Evaluate Sources and Information

If you want a good grade, use high quality, credible, and authoritative sources.  The sources you select for your works cited or reference page is a direct reflection of the quality of your paper.  You cannot expect to get a good grade if you use Wikipedia, random websites, and opinion blogs. The World Wide Web can be a great place to accomplish research on many topics. But putting documents or pages on the web is easy, cheap or free, unregulated, and unmonitored. You need to evaluate the sources you use. Think of it this way, if you wanted to decide which Smartphone to purchase, would you use a random blog, the manufacturer's website, or Consumer Reports?

  • A blog would give you someone's opinion. The information would not be researched.
  • The manufacturer's website might offer factual information about the phone's features, but it may post only positive reviews. 
  • Consumer Reports conducts research on products and then presents the results. 

When making a decision that will cost you money, you would probably use Consumer Reports to get the best information to back up your decision.  When writing a research paper you want to use the best sources because using anything less could cost you your grade!

Quick Guide

When you encounter any kind of source, consider:

  • Authority - Who is the author? What is their point of view?
  • Purpose - Why was the source created? Who is the intended audience?
  • Publication & format - Where was it published? In what medium?
  • Relevance - How is it relevant to your research? What is its scope? 
  • Date of publication - When was it written? Has it been updated?
  • Documentation - Did they cite their sources? Who did they cite?

Be a smart information consumer. Learn to read between the lines and identify bias. 

How to Detect Bias (21st Century Information Fluency: Brief guide to help you recognize the signs of bias.)

Good research habits include identifying sources, assessing their expertise and verifying information found. So how do you decide if the information is true? This site from Justia Virtual Chase will help.

Check out these two websites! Are these websites credible?

Website #1

Website #2

Evaluating Resources

Case Studies: Information, Propaganda, Misinformation and Disinformation

This is probably what you're looking for when you use the Internet for academic purposes. Information, at its most basic, is data set in a context for relevance. In other words, information tells us something that is understandable and has the potential to become knowledge for us when we view it critically and add it to what we already know.

For example, "8,000,000" and "9%" are not information; they are bits of data. However, "The population of New York City in 2000 was reported to top 8,000,000 persons, a growth of 9% since 1990" is indeed information. Adding that information to other information and data on the funding of and expansion in public healthcare services in New York City would help city officials to develop knowledge of the stresses related to delivering healthcare services. 

"Knowledge communicated concerning some particular fact, subject, or event; that of which one is apprised or told; intelligence, news. spec. contrasted with data." (from Oxford English Dictionary, 2nd ed., 1989)

You probably found one of these documents more difficult to understand than the other. Both are information. To what extent is the "understandable" or "contextual" nature of information dependent upon our prior knowledge or familiarity with a given topic? Is the value of information intrinsic, or dependent upon the user?

Information should always be accurate and either free of bias or making note of its own bias. Information also needs to be useful for a given purpose to have value

Propaganda is a commonly misused term. Because of its historical use, such as in the name of the infamous "National Ministry for Public Enlightenment and Propaganda" run by Joseph Goebbels for the Nazi government of Germany, many people associate propaganda with inflammatory speech or writing that has no basis is fact. In reality, propaganda may easily be based in fact, but facts represented in such a way as to provoke a desired response.

Propaganda is defined as the "systematic propagation of information or ideas by an interested party, esp. in a tendentious way in order to encourage or instil a particular attitude or response. Also, the ideas, doctrines, etc., disseminated thus; the vehicle of such propagation." (from Oxford English Dictionary, 2nd ed., 1989)

Political campaign speeches and party political statements are often, in reality, a form of propaganda. They fit this definition when they present the opposing point of view in an unfavorable light. All political organizations do this on a variety of issues.

  • "President Bush has named a one-sided, misguided commission that has only one objective: to privatize Social Security. In so doing, he is ultimately risking the future of the program on which millions of Americans rely for retirement security, widow benefits, and disability payments. In fact, the only security about which this commission seems concerned is the security of the financial industries and special interests who stand to make millions if Social Security is privatized." -- from a press release dated May 3, 2001 from the Democratic National Committee

  •  ""The American people would be better served if the misguided leadership of the Democratic Party were to lower the destructive rhetoric that drives people apart and engage more constructively in the process," said Ann Wagner, Co-Chair of the Republican National Committee." -- from a press release dated April 26, 2001 from the Republican National Committee

Identify the terms used to color the information reported in each press release above. Read the releases again, deleting those terms. How do the statements sound different?

When you read documents or listen to audio or video files that characterize opinions or positions in terms of their integrity or moral content, you may well be in the presence of propaganda. Remember, the purpose of propaganda is to instill a particular attitude: to encourage you to think a particular way. Think for yourself: base your opinion on the facts, not the hype.

"Nobody's perfect" is an excellent rule of thumb in most cases but a bad omen when you're looking for information on the no-editorial-control Internet. Misinformation is defined as the action of misinforming or condition of being misinformed; or erroneous or incorrect information. Misinformation differs from propaganda in that it always refers to something which is not true. It differs from disinformation in that it is "intention neutral": it isn't deliberate, it's just wrong or mistaken.

"It's going to require numerous IRA agents." -- George W. Bush commenting on Al Gore's tax plan, which he felt would lead to a larger Internal Revenue Service (IRS), and probably not a larger Irish Republican Army (IRA), in a campaign speech given at Greensboro, N.C., Oct. 10, 2000

One of the most popular forms of misinformation on the Internet, especially e-mail, is the passing along of urban legends. Urban legends are fabricated or untrue stories that are passed along by sincere people who believe them...and feel the need to "inform" others.

"If you're driving after dark and see an oncoming car with its headlights turned off, DO NOT flash your lights at them. This apparently is a new common gang member initiation "game" that goes like this: the new member being initiated drives along with no headlights on and the first car to flash their headlights at him is now his "target." He is now required to chase that car and shoot at or into the car in order to complete his initiation requirement." -- a recurring urban legend that has appeared in print, fax campaign, and through e-mail.

Misinformation is perhaps the most difficult information lookalike to diagnose. Why? What strategies could you develop to determine whether what you are reading constitutes information or misinformation?

Urban legends, unlike Mr. Bush's acronym problem, sometimes begin in malice. They become misinformation when they are repeated by sincerely misguided people. Everybody makes mistakes...check the validity of everything you read before you put your belief in it and use it.

You have now reached the lowest of the low. Never underestimate the evil intentions of some individuals or institutions to say or write whatever suits a particular purpose, even when it requires deliberate fabrication. Disinformation refers to disseminating deliberately false information, especially when supplied by a government or its agent to a foreign power or on the media with the intention of influencing policies of those who receive it.

One of the most notorious uses of disinformation was the dissemination of anti-Semitic speeches and writings by the Nazi party in Germany during the 1930s and 1940s. Unfortunately, disinformation didn't end with World War II. In fact, the Internet is an excellent vehicle for disinformation.

  • Read Statement by His Excellency U Mya Than, Permanent Representative and Leader of the Myanmar Observer Delegation to the 57th session of the Commission on Human Rights at the United Nations website
  • Read 2000 Human Rights Watch report on Burma [Myanmar] at the Human Rights Watch Website. Human Rights Watch is an independent, nongovernmental organization that issues country reports on the human rights situations in countries around the world on a regular basis.

These two reports represent very different viewpoints on human rights in Myanmar. One of them may well represent disinformation. One good starting point in determining whether or not a document may constitute disinformation is to find out who owns the document or domain and then find out what that individual or group's mission or beliefs are. Ask yourself what the document owner has to gain by circulating the document.

Always validate or confirm the information on individuals, institutions or groups, and countries that you find on the Internet. If you don't know who wrote what you read or why they wrote it, you don't know if it's trustworthy.