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Loyola University Chicago Libraries

Global Studies

Global studies prepares students to address international issues by providing them with a deep understanding of the culture, history and politics of other regions of the world, coupled with a proficiency in a modern language.


  • Use this subject guide to explore, by topic or subject focus, areas in Global Studies.
  • Databases are organized by interest area. News and Newspapers refer to media sources.
  • Below this box are recommended general-use print and electronic titles as well as recommend sources to answer general reference questions.
  • This subject guide is a work-in-progress. Please feel free to explore, make comments, and return regularly for additional updates.

Books and Ebooks

General Reference for International Studies

Look here for background research on Global Studies, and mnay other interdisciplinary topics. Think of these sources as your virtual reference desk, or as more sophisticated, academically credible alternatives to sites like Wikipedia.

Country Overviews in Print

The following items are excellent resources for general country information and overviews. Most recent editions are available at the Reference Desk.