Open Access Week is an opportunity for the Loyola community to talk about what is happening in the world of scholarship and research and how publication norms are affected by open access. “Open Access” is defined as “the free, immediate, online access to the results of scholarly research, and the right to use and re-use those results as needed.” Open access is transformative in its influence, not just for those of us working in academia, but also for any profession that works with information and disseminates it through publication. Medicine, science, industry, and society as a whole, all are regularly affected by the life cycle of scholarly research. The academic library is a natural place for students and faculty to discuss open access, share concerns, and identify best practices. We invite you to join us for any of the following events, and encourage you to bring your experiences and your questions.
Monday, October 20, 10 a.m. (coffee at 9:30 a.m.)
221 First Mondays: An Overview of Open Access Scholarly Publishing, a talk by Edward Valauskas
IC 4th Floor
Join us for the Open Access Week keynote address with Edward Valauskas, founder and editor-in-chief of First Monday, one of the first peer-reviewed, open access scholarly journals. He has taught at numerous schools of library and information science, and serves as the Curator of Rare Books at the Lenhardt Library of the Chicago Botantic Garden.
RSVP to is appreciated.
Tuesday, October 21, 4:00 - 6:00 p.m.
6th Annual Celebration of Loyola Faculty Scholarship, reception
IC4th Floor
The annual Celebration of Faculty Scholarship is a showcase for the impressive research and publications of the Loyola faculty. It's also a very nice party! This year's reception will feature work from 2013.
Wednesday, October 22, 12:30 - 1:30 p.m.
Publishing and Authorship in an Open Access World: A Panel Discussion
IC 4th Floor
Join Loyola faculty and students who are working in the roles of Open Access publisher or author to increase access to scholarship. Panelists will include Dian Squire and T.J. Jourian, representing a new graduate student run open access journal, Dr. Pamela Morris (School of Communication), Dr. Robert McNees (Physics), and Dr. Timothy Hoellein (Department of Biology).
Coffee and dessert will be served. Please feel free to bring a brown bag lunch.
Thursday, October 23, 10:00 - 11:00 a.m.
Become a Wikipedian, libary workshop
IC 120
Monday, October 20 - Friday, October, 24
Open Access Week Information Table
IC 1st floor
Learn more about Open Access by stopping by our Information Table. We'll have fun facts, handouts, buttons, and more.
Questions about Open Access Week may be sent to Fred Barnhart.