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Loyola University Chicago Libraries

Graduate Reference Assistant - Reference Training/Guide

This online training guide will help graduate reference assistants become more familiar with what to do when working at reference service desks.

Starting in the Library Catalog

  1. Find the desired article using Loyola's Library Catalog (aka Primo). This can be found at
  2. Once a record has been identified by the user, click on the Full text available link.
  3. Under the record's View Online section, find the hyperlink that follows the text Full text availability. Ensure that the link includes (Lakeside Campuses) if you are located at the Lakeshore or Water Tower Campus. Selecting a (Health Sciences Campus) hyperlink will only work for students at the Health Sciences Campus.
  4. The user will be directed to the online journal or online journal database that provides full text access to the article. These websites look different depending on the vendor, but generally you will be looking for a link or button that includes Full Text or PDF.

Starting in a Journal Database

  1. Find the desired article using one of Loyola's Journal Databases.** These can be found at
  2. Once an article record has been identified by the patron, select the link or button that includes Full Text or PDF.
  3. If no full text is available, there will likely be an option that says Find It @ Loyola/Find Article. In that case, select the Find Article link, which will direct the user back to PRIMO. Follow the instructions from the Starting in Primo section of this guide. If no full text option exists, direct the user to ILL (see below).

**Please note that journal databases are formatted differently depending on the vendor, so some trial and error might be necessary.

Starting with a Citation

  1. When the patron has the citation for an article that they would like to find, start by looking at the title of the journal that the article was published in.
  2. Use the library's Journal Search feature to find if Loyola has access to the journal in question. If Loyola has online access, you will see an Online access hyperlink on the search results page. Either select the Online access hyperlink directly, or navigate into the record and select the link following Full text availability in the View Online section of the record.
  3. Once the journal is opened, you can search for the article within it. Pay attention to the year, volume, and issue number listed in your citation!
  4. Once you find the article, select the link or button that includes Full Text or PDF.

Finding Online, Full Text Journal Articles

Loyola University Chicago Libraries provides its users with online, full text access to over 30 million journal articles. With many ways to access these materials, it is important that staff at the reference desk have a thorough understanding of how to direct patrons to find the information they are seeking.

Generally, users can access online, full text articles through:

  1. The article's record on Primo (Loyola's Library Catalog)
  2. The article's record in a specific journal database
  3. A journal search based on the article's citation
  4. A Google Scholar search based on the article's citation

See below for more information on how to access full text articles using the three entry points outlined above. If Loyola University Chicago Libraries does not provide online, full text to a given article, a request to Interlibrary Loan may be submitted (see more information below).

When All Else Fails: Google Scholar

  1. Search for the desired article using Google Scholar, which can be found at
  2. Once the article is identified, try clicking on the article's title hyperlink. If the article is freely available, this will take the user directly to the article.
  3. If the title hyperlink does not connect to the article, look to the right to see if there is a corresponding Find it at Loyola link. If there is, select that link to be routed to the article's record in PRIMO. Then follow the instructions in the Starting in the Library Catalog section of this guide.
  4. If neither hyperlink connects to the full-text article, an ILL request can be submitted. See the ILL & Document Delivery tab in this guide for instructions.