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Loyola University Chicago Libraries

Annotated Bibliographies

Annotated Bibliographies are often published as a type of reference material. These resources can be a good place to start your research and/or get ideas for your own annotated bibliographies. They can be published on their own, or as a chapter in a larger work.

  • Loyola's A-Z database list can be filtered to find bibliographic resources. A select few are highlighted at to the left of this box, but there are more to explore if these are not helpful for your research.
  • To find an annotated bibliography in the catalog, try searching "your topic/field AND annotated bibliography" (without the quotations)
    • Example: Fashion AND Annotated Bibliography

Print Annotated Bibliography Example


Below is an image of a page from the above book. It is an example of an annotated bibliography published as a chapter of a larger work.