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Loyola University Chicago Libraries


Assessing and Locating News Sources

Society of Professional Journalists Code of Ethics outlines the values and practices contributing to reliable journalism. The Code of Ethics is organized around four topics.

  • Seek Truth and Report It: Ethical journalism should be accurate and fair. Journalists should be honest and courageous in gathering, reporting and interpreting information.
  • Be Accountable and Transparent: Ethical journalism means taking responsibility for one’s work and explaining one’s decisions to the public.
  • Minimize harm: Ethical journalism treats sources, subjects, colleagues and members of the public as human beings deserving of respect.
  • Act Independently: The highest and primary obligation of ethical journalism is to serve the public.

  Does a newspaper or news source abide by these principles and have its own ethics statement?


IFLA How To Spot Fake News: The International Federation of Library Associations has a helpful guide and graphic for spotting fake news.

American Press Institute: Six Questions That Will Tell You What Media To Trust

1. Type: What type of content is this?

2. Source: Who and what are the sources cited and why should I believe them?

3. Evidence: What's the evidence and how was it vetted?

4. Interpretation: Is the main point of the piece proven by the evidence?

5. Completeness: What's missing?

6. Knowledge: Am I learning every day what I need?

Finding Journalistic Sources in the Libraries

New York Times​​: Online subscription , NY Times 1980-current, NY Times 1851-2009

Wall Street Journal: Online subscription; WSJ 1889-2001

Washington Post

Chicago Tribune (Current); Chicago Tribune Historical

Chicago Sun Times

Newspaper Databases

ProQuest US Newstream

ProQuest Global Newstream

Access World News: provides access to hundreds of newspapers and news sources from around the world.

Loyola Library Catalog: Search New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Chicago Tribune, and Chicago Sun-Times through the library catalog.

News and Current Events Research Guide

News and Current Events Research Guide: Visit the News and Current Events Research Guide to find additional news and current events resources.