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Loyola University Chicago Libraries

FNAR 353: Latin American Art II Modern to Contemporary

Searching Assignment

This assignment should take you approximately 20 minutes to complete, and is designed to give you experience testing some of the discovery tools and library resources that will assist you with locating materials for research in this class.

Please open this spreadsheet.

Navigate to an open column, and add your UVID to the top row.

Respond to each of the questions in the first column.

Group Assignment in Cudahy Library

A cart with four collections of materials is waiting for you at the Cudahy Library Circulation Desk on the first floor. Please form four groups: each group will work on one of these artists:

  • Ana Mendieta
  • José Orozco
  • Joaquín Torres-García
  • Remedios Varo

As a group, review the materials in the collection on your artist and respond to the following questions: