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Loyola University Chicago Libraries

FYRE 2021

This guide will assist FYRE students with their research and virtual poster presentations.

How to Begin

Ask yourself three questions.

  1. What is the most important/interesting/astounding finding from my research project? 
  2. How can I visually share my research? Should I use charts, graphs, photos, images? 
  3. What kind of information can I convey during my talk that will complement my poster? 

Poster Sections Based on Original Research

Title - Choose a title that effectively and succinctly communicates the topic and significance of your project. Avoid jargon. 

Collaborators & Institutional Affiliations - Don't forget to include all of the authors of the project. If you've worked with a faculty advisor or other students, make sure to order them appropriately. If you're not sure, check with a faculty supervisor.

Abstract - An abstract is a summary of your research project. If you'd like to learn how to write an effective abstract or need help with the logistics, check with Loyola University Chicago's Writing Center

Research Question(s) - Provide a clear statement about the problem(s) you are trying to solve or issues/experiences you investigated. 

Materials & Methods - This should be a brief description. Use visual aids to display information. What did you do to address your research question(s)?

Results - What were the outcomes of your research? You can express results quantitatively or qualitatively. If your research in progress, report your preliminary results. 

Discussion & Conclusion - What are the broader implications of your research and/or findings? 

Future Directions - Did your research leave unanswered questions that could be explored in the future? 

Acknowledgments - Thank anyone who helped you through this process. This normally includes your faculty mentor. 

Contact Information - Include your contact information so that people can follow up with you!

Prompts for your Virtual Pitch: A Starting Point

What's your research story? 
  • The traditional story structure has a beginning, middle, and end. As you think about your research experience, consider these questions:
    • Where or how, specifically, did your research begin?
    • What were some of the milestones or accomplishments along the way?
    • Where are you now? Is this the end of your work, or is it a step in a larger journey? Describe.
The One Key Idea 
  • Your research is full of important information, but what if your audience could only remember one key idea?
  • What’s the one thing that the audience must know about your work?
Your Research Identity
  • We all have lots of identities. With the work you have done, you can now count researcher as one of your identities.
    • Who are you as a researcher? 
    • What have you learned, and how have you grown through your research?