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Settle into your breakout rooms. Nominate a recorder. Nominate a reporter. Nominate a screen sharer.
Choose a research guide to explore based on your research topic(s). You're welcome to explore more than one if more than one is relevant!
Navigate to the research guide.
Locate your subject specialist and figure out how to contact them for help.
Locate the "Most Recommended Databases" for your subject.
Choose 2-3 databases to explore in your group. Please venture beyond Academic Search Complete, Web of Science and Scopus if possible.
Activity Options:
As a whole group, have someone share their screen and do a search in the database. Help the screen sharer navigate the database and explore the searching capabilities, features, subject terms, advanced search, how to download the full-text of the articles, how to locate the citation, etc.
Divide up the databases and search them individually. Come back together and report out on the searching capabilities, features, subject terms, advanced search, etc.
Questions to Answer:
How can you search? (i.e. basic search, natural language, advanced search, etc.)
How can you narrow your search? (i.e filters like date range, specific journals, specific topics, authors, etc.)
Does the database use subject terms? (i.e. a controlled vocabulary to help you find relevant resources more easily)
Can you access the full-text of the resource? (i.e. how do you download the article?)
Does the database provide you with the citation?
What other features are available? (i.e. citation trackers, searching history, saving searches, search strategies, search tips)
Record any questions that come up during your exploration.