EBSCO databases include Academic Search Complete, PsycInfo, Education Research Complete, . . . )
1 - Conduct your search in an EBSCO database (the database will say EBSCO or EBSCOhost at the bottom of the search page).
2 - When you see articles you wish to include in your Mendeley library, click on the folder to the far right of the title. This will add the citation to the folder in the top bar.
3 - Once you have added all the citation you wish, open Mendeley and login to your account.
4 - Go to the database and click on the folder in the top bar (where your citations are saved).
5 - Add or remove items from your list until you are ready to add them to your Mendeley library. Click on Export.
6 - On the Export screen, select that you want "Direct Export in RIS Format (e.g. CITAVI, EasyBib, EndNote, ProCite, Reference Manager, Zotero)" (you always want RIS format). If you do not want the citations saved in your folder, click in the box on the left labeled "Remove these items from folder after saving" and click on Save.
7 - In the bottom left corner a box will come up showing the citations are saved into Mendeley.
8 - The citations will be in your Mendeley New Documents folder. From here you can create other folders and move the citations to them.
If you just want to cite one item, you can do so with one click:
Either next to your search result or on the article itself, you will see a "Cite this item" button.
Click that, then a window will appear
Copy and paste the citation of your choice.
Make sure you double-check the formatting before submitting a paper with one of these citations! Computers are great, but they're not perfect.
If you find several citations you want to save for later, you can export them to a .txt or RIS file to upload into the citation management software of your choice:
From the search results, select the check boxes to the left of the search results you want to export. If you just want to cite one article, click on that article and proceed to Step 2.
Chose "Export Selected Citations' in the upper right hand corner of the page.
From there you'll find a drop down menu with file options. Chose the file that suits your needs.
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