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Leisure Materials
When you need to take a break from studying, you can check out these popular resources provided by the library.
This is a collection of eBooks purchased by the library. Some of these books may require special software to download (such as Adobe Digital Editions).
Full-text ebooks, including reference books, scholarly monographs, university press publications and consumer books. Browse by Category to access adult fiction, YA fiction, cooking, crafting, home & garden, self-help, and other leisurely topics.
Libby is an eBooks and audiobooks database that supports students and courses as well as leisure fiction and nonfiction. There is a large collection of literature with an emphasis on 20th and 21st century authors as well as smaller special collections on family, relationships, health, life after military, self-improvement, history and succeeding in college.
For more information check out the Libby LibGuide: https://libguides.luc.edu/Libby
Videos and audio covering a wide variety of subjects. Selections include: Filmmakers Library Online: Vols.1-2, New World Cinema: Major Independent Features and Shorts.
Documentaries, independent and classic feature films, educational videos, and award-winning films and shorts. Distributors include PBS, Media Education Foundation, Documentary Education Resources, California Newsreel, Criterion Collection/Janus Films, Psychotherapy.net, and more.
Some titles come with full Public Performance Rights. To enable closed captions or subtitles while watching a film, select the CC icon in the bottom-right corner of the video player. Accounts must be renewed yearly on campus and using a browser, rather than the app.
Distributors part of Kanopy Streaming include Media Education Foundation, Documentary Education Resources, California Newsreel, Criterion Collection/Janus Films, Psychotherapy.net, and many more.
Independent feature films and short films. Distributors include Kino Lorber, First Run Features, Film Movement, MK2, and Global Lens. Coverage: 1990 - present.
Videos covering performances of the world's leading plays as well as documentaries on productions, experimental performances and interviews by hundreds of leading playwrights, actors and directors. Coverage: 1930s - present.
Full-text local and regional newspaper articles covering many topics including community events, schools, politics, government policies, cultural activities, local companies, state industries, and people in the community. Coverage: 1986 - present.
Complete full-text content of local and regional news, including community events, schools, politics, government policies, cultural activities, local companies, state industries, and people in the community.
Access to the Los Angeles Times full-text newspaper covering many topics from the perspective of the American West including immigration, entertainment, and environmental issues. Coverage: 1985 - present.
Complete access to the New York Times online edition (nytimes.com) from 1980 through the present. Users must create an account using their LUC email, to gain access to nytimes.com from any web browser or smart phone app, on or off campus, with no monthly limits on article access. This resource is limited to current students, faculty, and staff. Note: HSL students/faculty/staff need to sign up via http://accessnyt.com
For new accounts and renewals click -
Note: HSL students/faculty/staff need to sign up via http://accessnyt.com
Full-text news articles covering business, economics, and finances. Coverage: 1984 - present. Users must register to access resource. Every 180 days users must refresh (or click through the Libraries’ link again). Please register here: WSJ.com/LUC before attempting to access this resource.
Unlimited access to WashingtonPost.com content. First time users need to create an account from https://www.washingtonpost.com. Click Sign In, then click Sign Up. Enter your LUC email address and agree to the terms of service. Go to your "Account Settings", click on the "My subscriptions"; tab, and click "Activate free digital access" to get free access to the Post. Email verification will follow.