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Loyola University Chicago Libraries

THEO 405: Formation of the Pentateuch


Loyola's collections, both in print and online, are vast, and research can be intimidating. So, if you don't know where to start, start here!

Getting Started: Searching the Library Catalog

The library catalog is a great place to start your research. Here are some tips to make searching more effective:

  1. Make sure that you sign in. This allows you to see your access options for library materials, save searches, set notifications on saved searches, and save items to your favorites.
  2. Use Boolean operators if you're doing a keyword search. For example:
    Pentateuch AND Christianity AND Judaism - the catalog will return only materials that mention all three search terms: Pentateuch, Christianity, and Judaism
    Pentateuch AND (Christianity OR Judaism) - the catalog will expand your results by returning materials that mention both the Pentateuch and Christianity or materials that mention both the Pentateuch and Judaism
    Pentateuch AND Christianity NOT Judaism - the catalog will reduce your search results by returning materials that mention the Pentateuch and Christianity but do not mention Judaism.
    Make sure that you enter Boolean operators in all caps: AND, OR, NOT
  3. Use truncation and/or wildcards. For example:
    Entering the search term bibl* will return results for bible, biblical, bibliography, bibliographic
    Entering the search term wom?n will return results for woman, women
  4. Group your terms using parenthesis to do multiple searches at once. For example:
    (patriarchs OR prophets) AND "old testament"
  5. Search for specific books of the Bible as follows:
    Bible Genesis
    Exodus bible commentaries


Getting Started: Other Search Tools

If you need an overview of research in theology at Loyola University, start with the research guide.

If you need a general overview of a topic with a bibliography leading you to more resources, start with:

If you need articles, start with:

If you need biblical commentaries, start with:

If you need dissertations and theses, start with:

If you need books, start with: