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Loyola University Chicago Libraries

Education Main Research Guide

Educational Policy Resources

1.  What is the actual policy?
- Get a copy of the original policy from:
-- school website
-- district website
-- municipal website
-- government website
-- Google and/or Wikipedia can be helpful with names and original sources

2.  Where did the policy start?  How did it come about?
- meeting minutes
- community organizations
- Parent-Teacher Association/Local School Council meetings
- local news

3.  What have others written about the policy?
- peer-reviewed articles and studies
-- Education databases
                -ERIC (contains articles, conference proceedings, government publications)
                -Education Research Complete
                -Educational Administration Abstracts
                -Professional Development Collection
- newspaper articles (see News Resources below)
- relevant associations or organizations
- conference proceedings

4.  What historical, political and economic information is relevant?
- newspaper articles (see News Resources below)
- online news sites
- government information (see Government Information below)

5.  What demographic information is relevant?
- census data (see Census Information below)
- housing trends (see Chicago Communities below, or contact local library)
- economic levels (see Statistics Resources below)
- educational attainment (see Statistics Resources below)

Contact Me!

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Tracy Ruppman
Research and Learning Librarian
Liaison for the School of Education
Liaison for the departments of Psychology and Sociology
Interim liaison for the Department of English
Lewis Library
Loyola University Chicago