1. What is the actual policy? Who is it for? What are the intended outcomes?
- Get a copy of the original policy from:
-- school website
-- district website
-- municipal website
-- government website
-- Google and/or Wikipedia can be helpful with names and original sources
2. Where did the policy start? How did it come about? What were the initial reactions to the policy?
- meeting minutes
- community organizations
- Parent-Teacher Association/Local School Council meetings
- local news
3. What have others written about the policy?
- peer-reviewed articles and studies
-- Education databases
-ERIC (contains articles, conference proceedings, government publications)
-Education Research Complete
-Educational Administration Abstracts
-Professional Development Collection
- newspaper articles (see News Resources below)
- relevant associations or organizations
- conference proceedings
4. What historical, political and economic information is relevant?
- newspaper articles (see News Resources below)
- online news sites
- government information (see Government Information below)
5. What demographic information is relevant?
- census data (see Census Information below)
- housing trends (see Chicago Communities below, or contact local library)
- economic levels (see Statistics Resources below)
- educational attainment (see Statistics Resources below)
Several of these guides link to Social Explorer. Here is a handy tutorial! Social Explorer/Mapping Chicago Communities Guide
Loyola University Chicago Libraries
Cudahy Library · 1032 W. Sheridan Rd., Chicago, IL 60660 · 773.508.2632
Lewis Library · 25 E. Pearson St., Chicago, IL 60611 · 312.915.6622
Comments & Suggestions
Notice of Non-discriminatory Policy