Loyola eCommons is an open-access, sustainable, and secure resource created to preserve and provide access to research, scholarship, and creative works created by the university community for the benefit of Loyola students, faculty, staff, and the larger world.
Loyola eCommons facilitates a wide range of scholarly and archival activities, including collaboration, resource sharing, author rights management, digitization, preservation, and access by a global academic audience. Loyola eCommons seeks to support the research, teaching, and learning process through the open access dissemination of a wide variety of academic works.
We welcome your interest in participating in eCommons, which is an important piece of Loyola's mission, as well as a great way to get your scholarly work noticed and cited. eCommons is a full-text database of Loyola produced scholarly material including all media types including text, image, and video.
Submitting Material
You may submit articles, conference presentations, or any other scholarly material to eCommons at any time through the eCommons interface. If you are submitting a journal article, we request that you submit your author's accepted manuscript. If we may post the published version we will take care of that for you. Usually checking copyright permissions, editing the metadata and verifying the submission file take 1-2 weeks.
If you would like something to be posted immediately, please email it to ecommons@luc.edu. We generally are able to post items within 1 business day assuming we do not have to check copyright permissions.
Some publishers do not permit any use of articles in institutional repositories. In this case, we can start a SelectedWorks profile for you and include links to any articles that we are not able to post in eCommons. We ask that you submit your full text work to eCommons first, and then use the collection tool in SelectedWorks to grab those citations (this will include citations that live in other repositories that run on the same software). You can edit this page to create a sophisticated research profile that includes all your work. Your subject specialist or the eCommons administrator can help you with this process.
Need Help?
Check our list of frequently asked questions. You can always contact your subject specialist or the eCommons administrator at ecommons@luc.edu.