Library Catalog: Look for books, DVDs, ebooks, and electronic articles at Loyola.
Browsing: Books covering textiles can be found in the following Library of Congress call number range:
For more information about finding books, read the How Do I Get a Book page on the Library Services guide.
For more information about accessing articles and other online materials, read How do I Access Materials Online?
You may find that the library does not have the book or article you need to support your research. If this happens, you can submit an interlibrary loan request and we will get it from another library.
For more information on our interlibrary loan services, read How Do I Use Interlibrary Loan?
Cudahy Library, Rm 108
Loyola University Chicago Libraries
Cudahy Library · 1032 W. Sheridan Rd., Chicago, IL 60660 · 773.508.2632
Lewis Library · 25 E. Pearson St., Chicago, IL 60611 · 312.915.6622
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