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Loyola University Chicago Libraries

Poster Presentations

This guide will help you develop effective poster presentations.

Elevator Pitch


Prepare a one- or two- minute mini-speech (your elevator pitch) and have it ready to go on the day of the event. Having a concise summary of your research project will help you engage people who stop by. 

Engage your Audience

As people take a look at your poster, don't wait for them to ask a question. Just say, "Would you like to hear about my research?" Point to figures and use them in your explanation. Check in with your audience to ensure they are following you. You can use phrases like, "Does that make sense?" to confirm understanding. Answer questions as they come up. 

Before you Print - Review

  1. Does my poster have enough white space? 
  2. Are the text and graphics legible?
  3. Are the text and graphics consistent? 
  4. Is the flow of information logical? 
  5. Can I identify a research question? 
  6. Can I identify research methods or a process? 
  7. Can I identify a core message or conclusion? 
  8. Have I provided my contact information? 
  9. Have I provided the proper acknowledgments?
  10. Have I received feedback from my co-authors and/or faculty supervisor?