Library building access varies by location, so please review the information below for specific information for each location. Each location includes dates/hours of access, location, users that can access the building, and further details about visiting library buildings.
See hours and closings.
Check here for Libraries hours.
Check here for Libraries hours.
For real-time help from a librarian or library staff, please use our Ask a Librarian Chat Service.
Lake Shore Campus
You can return library books to the book drop located next to the west doors of Cudahy Library (across from Dumbach Hall). When the Information Commons is open, you can use the book drop located in the foyer.
Water Tower Campus
When the Corboy Law Center is open, you can use the book drop located in the lobby.
In-person assistance with Library and Information Technology Services (ITS) is only available for Loyola students, staff, and faculty at this time.
For assistance with university technology and equipment loans, first visit the Digital Media Services (DMS) website. DMS only assists with technology or other equipment owned by the university. Loan pickups vary by location.
For assistance with personal devices or a Loyola account, contact the Information Technology Services (ITS) Help Desk at