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Loyola University Chicago Libraries

Mathematics and Statistics

This Library Guide explores essential resources to help you get started with math research.

Additional Resources

Government Agencies

Data Sets


  • Canada Open Data, pilot project with many government and geospatial datasets.
  • Chicago Data Portal, an open portal for government data for the city of Chicago. 
  •, open government data from US, EU, Canada, CKAN, and more.
  •, publicly available data from UK
  •, public access to datasets generated by the Executive Branch of the Federal Government.
    •, central guide for education data resources including high-value data sets, data visualization tools, resources for the classroom, applications created from open data and more.
  •, a clearinghouse of datasets available from the City & County of San Francisco, CA.
  • StatsPolicy, brings together important information about our interwoven Federal statistical system, including members, priorities, and activities across the Federal Government.
  • National Government Statistical Web Sites, data, reports, statistical yearbooks, press releases, and more from about 70 websites, including countries from Africa, Europe, Asia, and Latin America.


Science and medicine

  • Dryad is an open-access repository of research data, focused on scientific and medical research.
  • GEO (GEO Gene Expression Omnibus), a gene expression/molecular abundance repository supporting MIAME compliant data submissions, and a curated, online resource for gene expression data browsing, query and retrieval.
  • National Space Science Data Center (NSSDC), NASA data sets from planetary exploration, space and solar physics, life sciences, astrophysics, and more.
  • NetworkRepository: Interactive Data Repository, has many collections of graph and networks from social science, machine learning, scientific computing, and other areas.


  • Europeana Data, contains open metadata on 20 million texts, images, videos and sounds gathered by Europeana - the trusted and comprehensive resource for European cultural heritage content.
  • Million Song Dataset, a freely-available collection of audio features and metadata for a million contemporary popular music tracks.
  • Open Source Sports, provides a collaborative and inclusive environment that encourages everyone to contribute to and share the best rules for their sports.


  • GeoNames geographical database covers all countries and contains over eight million place names, which can be used to find geocode for countries, cities, suburbs, places and postcodes.
  • KidsCount Data Center The Annie E. Casey Foundation's Kds Count (La infancia cuenta) is a premier source of data on children, youth and families. Find indicators for the nation, states and more.
  • KONECT, the Koblenz Network Collection, with large network datasets of all types in order to perform research in the area of network mining.
  • Re3data, a registry of research data repositories
  • Stock Market Confidence Indices, formerly Robert Schiller's data on housing, stock market, and more from his book Irrational Exuberance..