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Loyola University Chicago Libraries

Mathematics and Statistics

This Library Guide explores essential resources to help you get started with math research.

Data Visualization, Storytelling, and Art Books

Dr. Matthews: Data Artist and Math Professor

Dr. Greg Matthews, a white man with light brown hair and beard, wears a colorful flannel. He stands in a naturally lit room.Gregory J. Matthews, PhD, is an Associate Professor of Statistics in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at Loyola University Chicago.

He has been making data art since 2011 and has had his work displayed in numerous shows in the Chicagoland area, and since 2016 he has organized the Data Art Show at the Joint Statistical Meetings. 

More Data Artists

Data Art Projects

A gas station superimposed with the words Thursday, August 7.

Tracking Transience by Hasan Elahi

Hasan Elahi's art is about governmental and corporate surveillance. His work plays on the ideas of sousveillance, or watching the watcher, and watching himself.

Math and Art Books

Questions to consider

  • How has technology (computers, modern programming, artificial intelligence) changed the way we create and view art?
  • To what extent does human-computer interaction impact everyday design? How will it in the future? 
  • Where in history can you see data art? 
  • Where is the divide between data viz (visualization) and data art? What makes an object art? 
  • How can creativity improve our understanding of complex concepts in science and mathematics? How can STEM give us a new and nuanced perspective toward art?