About this Orientation
Welcome! This Library Research Guide was created as an orientation to the LUC Libraries. This orientation has multiple sections with an optional scored quiz. You may go through this library research guide in one sitting or read parts at your own pace.
Don't Stress
Learning to search databases and find the sources takes time and experience. It will get easier the more you do it. Remember, the library and the librarians are here to help.
The University Libraries are comprised of five libraries and two archives spread across three Chicagoland campuses, plus the Rome Center. These libraries are Cudahy Library and the Information Commons on the Lake Shore Campus, Lewis Library and the Law Library on the Water Tower Campus, and the Health Sciences Library at the Maywood Campus.
Library Spaces - Cudahy Library and the Information Commons at the Lake Shore Campus and the Lewis Library at the Water Tower Campus are open and available to any of you. Lewis Library is the main library for business, communication, social work and education resources. The entrance to Lewis Library is on the 6th floor of Corboy Law Center.
Some of you may not be in Chicago or on campus and may be concerned about how you will accomplish your research. Most of our library resources and services are available online.
Access to books and DVDs — Search our online catalog of one million physical books, including the Popular Reading and Curriculum collections, and DVDs between the Lake Shore and Water Tower campuses. Graduate students can check out books for the entire semester.
Access to electronic resources — Loyola Libraries subscribe to over 400 databases for online journal subscriptions for peer-reviewed articles. Our online catalog provides access to thousands of academic ebooks, and streaming video services.
InterLibrary Loan — Any journal article not available through one of our 400 databases can be requested free of charge from other libraries. You can also request books and book chapters.
Get Help with all of the above! — Ask your librarian! I am available for reference and research assistance throughout your academic journey.
Schedule an appointment online!
Check out "How to: Writing Center" for a short tutorial on setting up appointments online.
Preparing for your session:
Both the Lewis Library and Information Commons provides best effort to help with technical issues for WiFi:
Loyola University Chicago Libraries
Cudahy Library · 1032 W. Sheridan Rd., Chicago, IL 60660 · 773.508.2632
Lewis Library · 25 E. Pearson St., Chicago, IL 60611 · 312.915.6622
Comments & Suggestions
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