Dissertations and theses written at Loyola University Chicago are in our catalog.
Set Loyola University Chicago as your library in Google Scholar and your results lists will include links to articles in our library's e-journal collections. Start at this settings page and search for Loyola in the text box. From the results list, choose Loyola University Chicago Libraries - Find it at Loyola and then click the blue save button near the bottom of the page.
Conduct a Google Scholar search and you will see the full text links on the right side of the results list.
You can also check out the Psychology and Social Work Research Guides:
Loyola University Chicago Libraries
Cudahy Library · 1032 W. Sheridan Rd., Chicago, IL 60660 · 773.508.2632
Lewis Library · 25 E. Pearson St., Chicago, IL 60611 · 312.915.6622
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