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Loyola University Chicago Libraries

Education Main Research Guide

History of Education

Internet Resources on the History of Education

Compiled by Dr. Ann Marie Ryan


Historical Research Resources


Reading, Writing and Researching for History - A solid guide for researching and writing history. These guidelines help students as they learn how to write historical narratives.


Primary and Secondary Sources - A tutorial from the UCI Libraries - University of California, Irvine


Evaluating Primary Source Web Sites
A great page from the University of Washington

Recognizing Plagiarism


Online Historical Archives


American Memory


History Matters


Making of America


American Journeys - This site focuses on documents related to explorations and settlement of North America.

Digital History - Provides primary sources with introductory descriptions.

Documenting the American South - Offers primary documents related to the history of the American South.

 The 'Best' History Sites - A site that offers links to other history sites. The sites have been reviewed and are organized by field, topic and time period.

 The American West - Offers resources related to the documentary 'The West'. It includes primary sources and lesson plans.

The Homeroom – Focuses on the history of education in British Columbia, Canada.


Chicago History Museum


Newberry Library


Urban Experience in Chicago - This site provides primary sources and scholarly narratives related to Hull-House in Chicago from 1889 to 1963.


Secondary Sources:


These sites are mostly secondary sources, but some contain primary sources or links to primary sources.

The story of American Education (PBS).


History of American Education WebProject


History of Education: Selected Moments of the 20th Century


An International Timeline on Education from UNESCO